ROCKDUDE Napisał(a):
> A przeca mogla zrobić sprayem ….
Ale jak?
Sprayem (z gazem lzawiacym) to rozpedzano protesty. []
Mile czarne i biale damy?: feministki i lewaczki zorganizowaly akcje "BoycottBlackDiamond" czyli sPOnsora Honnolda. []
"At a time when brands and companies are co-opting the Black Lives Matter movement because now it’s trendy and in fashion to support anti-racism, we must hold these corporations, and the white men who profit off police violence, accountable.
Black Diamond was quick to jump on the bandwagon by publishing a black square for #BlackOutTuesday, which was ultimately a tactic of optics so the brand could seem “progressive.” This is performative activism" []
a w BD tak sie wystraszyli, ze do dzis POzoruja POganianie zbyt malo POstePOwych.