O Robert zapomnialem Ci cos napisac o Sokole. To jaest tak skrocona historia tego smigla w prawdzie po angielsku ale mysle zes czlek ksztalcony wiec nie powiniens mic z nia problemow. Silniki do Sokola sa udoskonalona wersja Sowieckich silnikow TVD10B. Dopiero od niedawna probuja wsadzic w Sokola silniki Pratt & Whitney.
Developed during the mid 1970s, the Sokol made its first flight on November 16 1979, and has since been certificated in Poland, Russia, the US and Germany. Following a fairly protracted development program, low rate production of the Sokol commenced during 1985. Initial sales of the general purpose Sokol were within Poland and in the Eastern Bloc, before the collapse of communism allowed PZL Swidnik to broaden its sales base. To do this PZL Swidnik developed the improved W3A Sokol aimed at achieving western certification. Certification to US FAR Pt 29 standards was granted in May 1993, while German certification was granted in December that year.
The Sokol is of conventional design and construction, with two PZL10W turboshafts, which are based on the Russian designed TVD10B turboprops that power the Polish built An-28. Composites are used in the tail and main rotor blades.